Membership Information

You have selected the Professional membership level.

This option is for Graphic Recorders who are already working professionally in the field. It requires a successful application to join. Prior to submitting your application, please ensure you've read the selection criteria.

The price for membership is $200.00 per Year.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

Professional Details

Please share the following details to help us assess your Professional Membership application. We'll also include your bio, website link, Instagram link, years experience and services offered in your member profile.

Use double line breaks to create paragraphs


Client Testimonials

Please share three testimonials from clients for whom you've performed graphic recording. These are important for your membership application. We'll also show them on your member profile.

Testimonial text

Name / postion / organisation

Testimonial text

Name / postion / organisation

Testimonial text

Name / postion / organisation

Portfolio Items

Please share 10 portfolio images to help us assess your Professional Member application. The first image will be used on the member's directory, and we'll include all of them as an image gallery in your member profile. We recommend a 3:2 width:height ratio (or the images will appear cropped).

Billing Address

Would you like to set up automatic renewals?