
One-on-one Coaching with Jessamy Gee

Highly recommended for consultants, facilitators, teachers, and budding graphic recorders. Content may include: Introduction to elements & principles of visual note-taking Guidance on how to best use visual practice in your day-to-day Templates for self-evaluation Personalised and contextual advice (e.g. using visuals in group settings Personalised feedback on your work From $330 More information:

GRA Virtual Hang: Cheer & Challenge

Cheer & Challenge is happening this week for our GRA members! Let’s catch up virtually and grow our skills together through a safe feedback environment. Bring your scribes (to share over screen share, or you can email it over to us during the event) and GR-related questions. If you haven’t got a recent scribe you’d (more...)

GRA Virtual Hang: Cheer & Challenge

Cheer & Challenge is happening this week for our GRA members! Let’s catch up virtually and grow our skills together through a safe feedback environment. Bring your scribes (to share over screen share, or you can email it over to us during the event) and GR-related questions. If you haven’t got a recent scribe you’d (more...)

Lunch ‘n’ Learn: Why Visuals Why Now

We’re back! ✨ 2021 GRA Lunch n Learns kick off with an awesome session addressing the theory that sits behind our work – ‘Why visuals, why now?’. @jessamyg_draws will kick us off with a short presentation, followed by an open discussion around our deep value offering (beyond the pretty pictures), research and case studies. This (more...)

GRA Virtual Hang: Cheer & Challenge

Our second Cheer & Challenge sessions is coming up on Thursday 29 Oct! Bring your graphic recordings for feedback, any technical/business/GR philosophy questions, and challenges to discuss in a safe, supportive environment. And perhaps a mascot or a favourite beverage to keep you company! . 5.30 – 7 PM AEDT 2.30 – 4 PM AWST (more...)

Lunch ‘n’ Learn: What makes a great facilitator / GR partnership?

This month we are joined by the amazing @sumhow from @eventful_learning_co and GRA President @jessamyg_draws for a Q&A sesh about the important relationship between facilitator & graphic recorder, and how to foster great partnerships. Email to register. ☺️?✨ OPEN TO ALL!

GRA Virtual Hang: Cheer & Challenge

Let’s catch up virtually and grow our skills together through a safe feedback environment. Bring your scribes (to share over screen share, or you can email it over to us during the event) and GR-related questions. If you haven’t got a recent scribe you’d like to share, think of a question about scribing that you’d (more...)

GRA Virtual Hang: Friendly Feedback

Hot on the heels of our Radical Candour Lunch and Learn is FRIENDLY FEEDBACK! Next Thursday 27 August, 6 PM – 7.30 PM AEST/4 PM AWST/8 PM NZST. This event is an exclusive one to GRA members. Bring a graphic recording or two, and give and get constructive feedback with your supportive GRA peers! Interested (more...)