Graphic Recording is the process of visually capturing content, in real time, using a combination of words, shapes, symbols and imagery.
It is commonly used in workshops, conferences and presentations as a tool for audience engagement, enhanced comprehension, memory retention, and emotional connection to content.
A professional Graphic Recorder embodies a diverse combination of skills including finely tuned listening, synthesis and critical thinking skills, visual thinking, visual communication, drawing, typography and layout design.
Graphic Recorders usually work in partnership with a front-of-room facilitator, allowing them to focus solely on the role of capturing information.
Graphic Recording describes both a process – the act of live illustration of content, and a product – the artefact created during the session.
Graphic Recordings can be created in either an analogue (e.g. paper, foamcore or whiteboards) or digital (e.g. iPad, tablet) fashion, with the Graphic Recorder usually situated in clear view of the audience at the front of the room or projected to screen/s.